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Development Trusts NI

Development Trusts Northern Ireland (DTNI) is Locality’s sister network of community practitioners in NI.

The DTNI membership is currently made up of over 100 community development organisations, local enterprise agencies, arts and culture organisations, aid agencies, sports clubs, and individuals - all with an enterprise focus and a commitment to the principles of community ownership.

A large part of DTNI’s work is in making representation for communities to acquire surplus and under-utilised public assets, and to that end, they are the third sector partners to the Department for Communities (DfC) in the delivery of its Community Asset Transfer policy.

DTNI is also leading on a DfC-funded Community Wealth Building programme to harness the power of community anchor organisations so that wealth can be generated locally from the ground up.

They are advocates for the introduction of a Community Rights Act for Northern Ireland so that community development trusts can own, build, challenge and participate in area planning, regeneration, and the design and delivery of public services.

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