The Fundmapper Directory lists more than 150+ investors and funds and is a great tool for charities and social enterprises seeking social investment.
You can use the filters to narrow your search by location, social issue, amount required and type
By browsing the directory, you’ll find the investor profiles of those that are suited to your criteria and you’ll have immediate access to their latest impact report and any recent case studies of organisations that have taken on social investment through them.
You can also learn more about social investors and this stage of the process via these resources:
Who provides social investment?
13 things you ought to know before considering social investment
Investor Insight: Six tips to become social investment ready
If you’re not ready for social investment, but are looking for organisations to support you across a whole range of areas, check out our Advisor Directory.
The Outcomes Matrix is a practical tool to help social impact organisations measure their impact.
Retrofitting energy efficiency measures using social investment
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